This orientation program was about the computization program in all secondary Public schools, package with internet activation. ICT as I understand is an Information Communication Technology by the DepEd to upgrade the studets and the public teachers as well. The society we have now is bounded by experts and latest technology that the DepEd wanted to feed the same to all concerned in this area of learning.
Sir Mari Paul lectured on various information and the advantages of the ICT program.
Sir John Mc Casio was one of our very live facilitator. He attracted all the particpants with his relevant jokes and lectures. Dizziness and stressed were all gone. Hola to you Sir!
On the second day of our program which we viewed our ICT T-shirts to our facilitator. Nice job! Congrats to these Batches. We were two batches at once who were set for the same date The ARMM Region and the Region XI.
Some queries were asked to the Secretariat and that included my clarifications regarding this program Some tasks were provided to the recipients which includes the preparation of the Laboratory room. Wow! What a hardest tasked. We must provide two 2h power air conditions, 44 chairs, two stand fans, 11 computer's tables and the last is the room. What a lingering task. I should try in order for my students and the members of the faculty be afforded with these 11 computer units.
Wow! Ma'am Elsie was so patient listening to my questions about the funding of our laboratory room as our counter parts. According to them, if we are provided, we must initiate efforts to counter the the units so that we are encourage to care both. The said funding must be from the initiative of the school principal supported by the local government and the community. The PTCA or Parents Teachers and Community Associations acn have the their very important role as organizers. Our leadership will be tested again. This must be realized. The Government and the DepEd in particular have tried and so we must.
On the first day of our program, some of the participant were unstable foe we have just arrived from our area of arigin. To travel in 11 hours was a story to remember. Something that required much importance in our diaries. Yet the aches were bearable and so we listen to the morning lecturers.
Once career always calls for a hundred percent attentions of one. I, being fully loaded for a family problem can never say no to my commitment at school. I can't even define how I can move and decide about the case of one of my sons, the problem enclosing me further. Still on the stage of my medical treatment, I have to treat another serious problem instead. My health remained deteriorating especially now that financial capacity of our family became low.
I should have stayed in another planet, I complained, but is there another place for a mother like me whose existence never given peace. But my responsibility as a mother can never be deligated nor be authorize to anybody. This is the reason why I suffered from depression. I should have asked God, but my life today is just an extension that i have asked for the sake of my family and the school that remain still hanging. The only solution which lingers to my mine could be a disadvantage and may require eternally. If I can be exempted from these, perhaps a permanent life that take me to rest forever.
Another life could be another way, but I can ponder how every thing goes in order. This continuous medication of mine cannot be predicted whether it succeed or failed. It seems I prefer to be forever away rather to open my innocent eyes and leave things to impossible. God must have given me these tasks to strengthen my life. I should have appreciate them all. For this time, I must survive and take every diversity in my career and my family. No one could lend a hand and have him responsible. I must prefer my self instead.
When I went to Davao for an orientation I was temporarily cured and forget other side of my problem. Some of our facilitator were live and deliver their tasks interesting. I am posting some of their memorable photos with me and the others.