Hasmeda Lumna, with Honor
Sailani Ala, with honor
Mohaima Barapantao. with honor
Mahid Abdul, with honor
Norhanifa Saaban, with Honor
Jalaida Cabugatan,
with honor
Norkisa Solaiman, with honor
Nairah Macadatar, 3rd honorable mention
Normilla Mangorangca, 2nd honorable mention
Hasmen Mangayao, 1st honorable mention
Sohaila Logi, Salutaturian
Normida Colo, ValedictorianThis is another challenge in my career as a head. The deliberation for the honor roles took us to stay in the conference room for one day. We invited parents to avoid a second hand information. With them, the this purpose run smoothly. The valedictorian and the salutatorian differed in about .47 only. Alas, the tie was broken.
This inch to inch deliberation required us to scan all the records of the students from one until twenty. We end up to have the top five and the rest were students with honor.
We were sad to realized that the among the top, there were students who did not make it on the Scholarships (MSU SASE) given by Mindanao State University main Campus. As a Public School, we must try our best to make the students ready for their College Education. The place that we have will really help if they can be accommodated in the said University. Generally the income of the people here is very low. Going to Public Schools will help them for their College Education. We have the best result for this year for we have 60% passers. In the coming years, we expect more professional Alumni that heals from our school.
Congratulations to the students and the parents. HURRAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!
The preparation of the stage seems hasty but simple. The importance of which is the the people who will enjoy with in.
The candle, waiting for the Ms Liberty to pick it up, getting ready for the JS candle lighting.
Turning the key of resposibi;ity by the JS representative and president and vice president of the Student Government Organization 2010, Ms Sohaila Logi and Abdani C. Montila respectively.
The Juniors preparing to sing their Batch Junior song.
Mr. Junior and Senior posed with Ms Liberty after lighting their candles.
Pinning of sash to Best in Muslim Attire, Ms. Jalaida Cabugatan, together with Ma'am Sharah Montila and her mother.
Seriously watching the affair were the Junior boys.
The pinning of sash to the Darling of the crowd, Ms. Naira Macadatar, a Senior Student, with Sir AbdlCader Lomondot and and Ma'am Saharah Montila.
The JS Ms Hope was Norkisa Solaiman, senior student.
Queen of the crowd was Sitie Aenah Padate fro the Senior. Congrats!
A beautiful smile of the Ms Senior, Ms. Normillah Mangorangca, was selected among the few.
The crowning of Ms Alma Mater and the Ms. Liberty at the same to Ms. Sohaila Logi, together with the District Sup. H. Abdl Rahman Otical, cheered by her father and our guest, Ms. Jocelyn Macauyag of Acoon MNHS.
Mr. Candao Decampong pinned as Mr. Senior during the J&S Day
Pinning of sash to the King of the crowd, Mr. Roco Ganda.
Ms. Junior, Norlaily Hadji Noor was selectted among the beauties of that day.
Ms. Hope was Ms. Armida Mangagao with Ma'am Saharah and her sister.
The production number of the J&S boys, presented during the affair.
Every body were on their Maranaw Traditional Attire on the 14th Day of February. They were demending for gowns and other luxurious dresses but after a meeting with the teachers and the parents, It was agreed to have the Maranaw attire. It is not just economical but very colorful and presentable. Parents came to see the beauties of their children. They posed for a memorable photos they can remember after the days in high school. We salute the parents for their understanding and cooperation in this affair. They stay for a day in the school since the part I of the program was the selections of Muses, king and queen and other complementary awards. The school's management decided to have the awards given earlier in order for them to enjoy their sash and crown. It was successful ended. I like the smiles on the faces of the parents and guardians. The looke3d like they wanted to steal every moments of their children. They were inspired to keep every giggles and winks of their children's eyes. How adorable, as if the day was hold to end that required to be extended for another day. If every parents will be like the same, all schoolers who gone to high school will like to remember every moment of thier days in school. Congratulations to the parents who have a heart to let them.
The Production number of the senior students
Production number number of the Juniors, with their Bulaklakan dance
The Junior boys with their mini fashion show
The senior with their colorful Maranaw Attire
The Juniors who waited for the affairIn a way that all students in High School are tired of carrying their notebooks and books, the Juniors and Seniors Day marked an unforgettable day in their lives. This is the day that they will be saying goodbye to to their childhood days, welcoming the their early adulthood.We can see students rushing to have the most beautiful wears for the day. For the Barrio High Schools like ours, we lost the essence of calling this as a pleasant night for the our students. We fail to feed them the beauty of the night during JS promenade for the time never permit. The peace and order do not grant, that is why parents do not agree to have the same at night. We always observed the day at day time. But, the interest of the students do not deteriorate. The all have the the merriment for the day.What made these students laughs and giggles? These were the chances of showing for the first time that they were ended handsome, pretty and beautiful. These were the time to prove their ability to portray who the are and what they have. Oh! what a pleasant mode to imagine. By just seeing them could reminds us for and with our memories in high school.For a moments we felt the warmness in our hearts and whispered who we were in our high school before.
More over, who must be the lucky heart that will be free to judge with their beauties and their whole being. Perhaps, before the day, they will be imagining who must be that classmates or may be school mates.The preparations of both male and female must not fail. As they walked around the hall, the heart bit so fast. They rejoice that that everything is a strange. They felt like princes and princesses. Foe once, they glance their dream girls and boys, we knew!
In our school, the events started during the Intramural, which the founding Anniversary of our school was observed. Everybody boosted to show their unique talent in different events. Some became champions while other became losers. What ever chances they have in the events made them comfortable and have prove they ended have talents. Losers can try it next time.