Sunday, October 19, 2008

Extending Management Stress

The Division Office has scheduled the Incoming Math Challenge for all Year Level; Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior and Seniors. The said Math Challenge is scheduled last October 18. Prior to the said date the school management, students and teachers anticipate the said challenge and do the school screening for the said competition. In two weeks, the students selected for the affair were set and were exempted from their regular classes. This was done to give ways to their simple reviews, orientations and pointers.

The school participants were set and were ready to take any challenge. They may not be the best but at least they came prepared and have tried their best for it. A sad news was sent late to all Secondary Schools. . .It was miscommunication, because the said schedule was given late. The said competition was supposed to to be held in Iligan City. The names of participants must have selected and done well before the given date

It was really a bad news for us who tried to prepare. Nobody was sent to the said challenge for the the Division Office has not met with the requirements. They were supposed to select through school Competitions before securing the names of those students who qualify. To make it short, no one qualify for no selections was done.

We hope, the Division office must have the best knowledge of knowing the sequence and the procedure the next time they will require every school for participants. I dislikes the idea of being sorry for we cannot afford to say sorry to our students who their best to try even a single questions of the said competitions.

The practice of disseminating wrong information will give management stress to any school who wish to participate in this affair.

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