The month of Ramadan is a festivity of fruits and vegetable. After the As'r prayer (3pm), mothers are busy preparing for the break of fast. Some were inclined for the fruit salad. I think this is ideal because the day past with the absence of foods, hence soft foods are recommended. We prepare to have more vegetable to feel what was hard in missing delectable foods.
We are purely a Maranaw-Muslim and we feel the spirit of this month. From early part of dawn we try to fill our demand for foods. After Subuh prayer (prayer at dawn), we return to sleep and wake up at 7am. This to start our vocation of the day. we adjusted every thing, including our schedule at school and the start of our family business fo the day.
For this time, we were bit upset on the peace and order as it started week before the Holy month. We just hope this to end to give chance on affected areas. Though we are affected but we pity fellow Muslim who were not able to observe the Holy month at their home, rather to the evacuation center...HAPPY rAMADAN AL- MUBARRAK!
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