Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Graduation Rites of the TESDA in our school, another services that the school as extended to the community. The school see to it that it can serve the the community as its extension of services. The TESDA as a government agent, serve this community which the school settle hope that the school can counterparts to the needs of the trainees. Nonetheless, the school provided five unts of sewing machine foe the trainees to use in their practical works

The trainees viewed with the Director TESDA, Dir. Norhatah Mapandi, the trainer and the principal of the school, Sinab D. Cabugatan.

The distribution of Certifictes by the Director of TESDA, assisted by the principal.

Th Dir, of the TESDA deliver her message to the graduates which she mean to invite the interest of the participants to go to another challenge in life. This training do not requirs any age limit. Any body can enjoy and avail of the privilege that the government has for the people.

Presentations of the graduates to the Director of the TESDA, The 25 trainees received their certificates .

The principal of Bubonga-Marantao deliver her speech to the trainees, encouraging them to consider this graduation rites not as the beginning and not the end. She uttered further that the help that the government can have to the community depends on the interest of the people and rhe loclity.

The trainer and the Dir. of the TESDA together with the principal of the school examined thoroughrolly who must be the candidates for graduation.

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