I was inspired to write one of my only girl's peculiarity. Her peculiarity includes sincerity for parents, dedication for her study and guts on every assignments and tasks. She is not among with those gifted one but her identity promoted her fulfillment in life
Everyone has his own peculiarity. For once distinctive character, we are sure, he has a complete mastery of it. Others arbitraries may be similar but not completely the same. Sometimes, we misunderstood this kind of character because we don’t posses any of its kind. But if we try to understand them considering it to be their happiness, joys and to be their very own, we can decide further on their peculiarity.
My only girl is peculiar, I supposed. At the age of eight months, I notice of her fondness on cats. I knew that some infant are scared when unfamiliar image show up. Surprisingly, she has that extra charm to temp cats. In consideration of her delicate age, I understand that her character could be because, she feds her extra foods to the later. Mothers are normally busy that I disregard her fondness. A very common strategy of every mother is to relate fairytale if not fables to their offspring. Likewise, an offspring are inclined to discover things, and so they asked. Provably, if we know the answer related to her interest, we explain. On the contrary, when we are confused as to the familiarity of their questions, we composed just to satisfy them.
I remember one day, when we hurried home from her pre-school class, we saw an ugly kitten that crawl on the garbage nearby. She stops and mange to
save the kitten. To my surprise, she automatically, adopted the kitten by providing improvised shelter. I lost my temper until I forget her identity as my only girl. She surely has to withdraw her desire of keeping the kitten, so she threw it out in the middle of the night. I declare my winning and so I got sleep. It is, I am sure 11 in the evening when she scream followed by loud meow and scaring barks of the dogs outside of our house. Her father has to rush and so I did. We found her hugging the kitten, but she is deeply hurt. The kitten was supposed to be caught by a number of dogs, and must be saved. In return, the kitten was so defensive that do not recognized any savior. When she saved it, she became the victim. She was brought to a nearby public hospital for kitten’s bites.
Upon our return from hospital, I tried to orient her on related incident. You must not get near on a scared cat of any kind. If you wished, I explained, terminate the enemy, and allow the cat to recognize you before comforting it. To our astonishment, she blamed the mother cat instead of waiting for my other proposal. The mother cat could be an irresponsible mother. Why should this mother cat abandon the kitten, knowing that the kitten is not yet ready to defend it self, she added. I was amazed, so I invent a story that may justify the side of the mother cat. The mother cat might be on hard work, looking for food. She surely had instructed the kitten to remain at home until her return. This must be a hard headed-kitten, that is why, it got lost. The mother could have hard time looking for the kitten. The kitten must have this guilt of going anywhere without warning her mother, I suggest. She has a long ahs and ohms that certainly convince her. The following morning, she had called me twice. She is going to see a classmate nearby and I must know her walk before I got tired of tracing her, similar with the mother cat. Indeed, I sigh, she gains a lesson.
In another instance, it is really rare in a Muslim community to find cat trained as hers. Believing that cats are extra careless of their waste, she had motivated her adopted cats by locating their comfort room. The cats knew when to use this improvise c.r., with about a medium in size basin, filled with wet soil for foreign waste. This unique c.r. is intended for evening necessities only. This was strictly followed as this is only provided at night. She has a half dozen cat now with varique as the older, with an age of about 11 years and batik which is almost the same with mongol, age 6 months. With this range of time, now that she was 15, I am convinced that once peculiarity can motivate once character and done with reasons. My friend tries to comment. The cause may be is the absence of a younger sister or brother. Her younger brother did not grow with her, but to her grand mother. She plays as the younger. This promote her interest to adopt cats abandoned, preferably, abandoned, and not from other master.
Immediately after school, she rushed to hug her pets one by one, with the bring-home. She is now a senior student and her distinct character has been accepted by her friends specially her brothers. A moral that we shall consider in this article is not the story. We can picture once peculiarity as a sign of discipline. It requires patience and perseverance. A person is motivated by her uniqueness. Mostly, once peculiarity is harmless in nature. The distinction given to a person cannot be developed to a character if its affects others existence. It might discomfort the other but it will find their way to be understood. Every one of us has his distinction from each other, and varies according to our environment. It is the environment that forbids us from any arbitraries in life. The culture has much to do with this character too. Customs and traditions determined the gravity of its identity. In Islam religion, we are allowed to adopt cat with as many as we can, but not dogs.
Another lessons, is, the way parents materialize once peculiarity as a move to control once character that applies to a real life situation. This will serve as an instrument to motivate her from her rearing age to maturity. Because, life lesson could not be done through short cuts, let us have them randomly. We must narrow them to the best that we can that match with their real world. Directing our family is so general, that is why we, are trying to be particular. If once discipline is ladderized according to the capacity of the subject, then, we implemented the rules to the right person, on a right time. That time is the moment that, the person tries to acquire place in the society.
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