The paragraphs that I'll posting here instill my whole being as a mother. In my early parent hood, I give up my carrier in favor of my family. My accademic qualifications were merely for decorations including my two diplomas in College.All my documents were kept untouch until my children were ready for my absence when neccssary
Every lines of these paragraphs are dedicated whole-heartedly to my children for they are my inspirations in writing.
Stories on motherhood are the most popular among parents. On a party, you will be acquainted on mothers whose usual quotations revolved around Motherhood. On jeepnys, louder than the roar of engines thus those mothers boast for their being superstar on motherhood. The same is true on market place. Mothers tried to grasp all their offspring’s favorite just on perfect motherhood. Where else can we find mothers? We see them mostly on washing area. With their delicate hands, they separate the latest fashion shirts and dresses of their children. We are touch by their genuine loves. But, we are more interested on the cycles or may be a legend of how it is being started. We shall extract this cause to its relativity.
A mother is biological or social female parent of an offspring. The first, a female got pregnant until the fetus is sufficiently developed to be born. The mother then goes to labour and gives birth. The later, the title mother is often given to a woman other than biological parent, if it is she who fulfils the social role. This is commonly either an adoptive mother or a stepmother. Both mothers have fulfilled the primary role in the raising of children. This stage cycled and the new born will have new born, and the tale of motherhood begins.
On the first sight of the new born upon birth, an undefined cries filled on the delivery room. It might be an amazing cry or a cry of queries. If it is an amazing, we consider it normal. But if the cry goes for queries, the tale of motherhood continued. What if the wonders of the new born is a hope for a better mother, it prospects a good signal. When they grew up, they discover it to be the opposite, and so the first frustration arises. Upon maturity, she starts liking the opposite sex, prospering to have faithful husband to be her permanent mate. If this turns positive, then, complications failed to reign in the womanhood of the later. But when it is the reversal of her fortune, frustration is repeated. We lost control of our faith in relation to companionships, and so we double our effort to have an adorable baby that may surpass with the rhyme of most mothers on the first paragraph. The tale of motherhood settled on its final stage.
When we start being responsible, we put everything on the last of our priorities. We tender to concentrate on our offspring, because of its delicacy. We fear to mishandle things, knowing we played the final episode of life. If everything goes wrong, our life is tomorrow a legend. The way we prepare for the future of our children will serve as pattern and the next generation will gain the consequences. We serve as model to them, being the only mate they idolized all through out their life. It is not impossible to miscarry on our responsibility with our parents. Too much attention has been devoted to our children. If we succeed in doing the same, the tale of motherhood can be refreshed on to the next mother…and that our daughter, and the daughter of our daughter.
It is not a surprise to discover mother to pledge everything for the sake of motherhood. Even in a sound sleep, she used to picture things to be, intentionally for a child. She tries to be the best, the beautiful one especially on affair that exposes her identity as a mother of the later. She become fashion conscious in order not to embarrass the one. The way she act and move, the self expression, including her socialization are determined by the fact that she is indeed a mother. Generally, her entire whole being is dedicated to the child. We sometimes regard this as a sign of martyrdom. She hid the bitterness of life to free the child’s emotion. If this exists in motherhood, then it pictures a bright tomorrow for the child. This can be another tale of motherhood, regardless of their nature. There might be the same mother who assumes the same responsibility but may differ on their applications. This is the reasons why, prime mothers are fond of relating stories, both fairy tales and true story, purposely to convince their child that being good is different and to be bad is another. We shall leave a real tale of motherhood to our children in which the characters are ourselves. This may be told by our grand children to their grand children.
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